Referrals: People here and afar often inquire about goods or services that are available in Clifton. Our office refers these individuals to Chamber members who offer those goods or services.
Acquisitions: The Chamber spends countless hours working to improve the financial standing of the community by working with business and industry to locate here. The Chamber, working with Clifton Economic Development Corporation and the City of Clifton, coordinate efforts for projects.
Promotion: The Chamber sends representatives to trade shows and other events where brochures and information about Clifton are distributed and explained. This improves our level of tourism and, in the process, helps in the development of new trade dollars for Clifton. The Chamber also joins tourism coalitions and participates in mass media promotions that also bring trade dollars to Clifton. Several new coalitions are currently forming and the outlook for financial growth for Clifton is promising.
Information: The Chamber updates and distributes its impressive DEMO-GRAPHIC FACT BOOK, maps, referral addresses , and other information to potential industrial prospects for Clifton, the idea being to provide new jobs so that local citizens can live and prosper here.
Events: The Chamber sponsors ribbon-cutting for new businesses, holds regular socials, luncheons, and dinners that feature guests who offer educational and entertaining programs, and is deeply involved in special promotions for the Clifton area.
These are just a few of the Chambers’ involvements, with the community benefitting greatly.